
28.08.2016 | Veysonnaz, Switzerland
Compagnie du Rossignol
Joan Mompart, narrator
Sturtzenegger, La reine des neiges 

03.10.2016 | Geneva, Switzerland | Victoria Hall
Orchestre des Nations
Maxim Vengerov, violin
Tchaikovsky, Violin concerto
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5
Choi Sung Hwan, Arirang 

23.10.2016 | Seoul, South Korea | Sejong Center for Performing Arts
Seoul International Community Orchestra
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5
Choi Sung Hwan, Arirang 

24.10.2016 | Seoul, South Korea | Kyung Hee University Grand Peace Palace
Orchestre des Nations
Mi-Jung Im, piano
P. Casals, Hymn to the United Nations
Rachmaninov, Piano concerto 2
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5
Choi Sung Hwan, Arirang 

26.10.2016 | Gwangju, South Korea | Asia Culture Center
Orchestre des Nations
Dasol Kim, piano
P. Casals, Hymn to the United Nations
Rachmaninov, Piano concerto 2
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5
Choi Sung Hwan, Arirang 

27.10.2016 | Busan, South Korea | Geumjung Art Center
Orchestre des Nations
Mi-Jung Im, piano
P. Casals, Hymn to the United Nations
Rachmaninov, Piano concerto 2
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5
Choi Sung Hwan, Arirang 

26.11.2016 | Geneva, Switzerland | Victoria Hall
Orchestre des Nations
Adrien Philipp, clarinet
Caroline Baeriswyl, violin
Movie soundtracks 

10 & 11.12.2016 | Geneva, Switzerland | Grande Salle du Conservatoire
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Musique de Genève
R. Clerc, Ratapolis, opéra de tréteaux
P.A Gamba, mise en scène 

29.01.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Grande Salle du Conservatoire
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Musique de Genève
Nathalia Milstein, piano
Beethoven, Symphony 1
Beethoven, Piano concerto 3 

05.03.2017 | Bern, Switzerland | Kultur Casino
Orchestre des Nations
Lisa Rieder, violin
Mozart, The magic flute overture
Bruch, Violin concerto 1
Vaughan Williams, English folks songs suite (Gorden Jacob)
Fornerod, Le Voyage de printemps Johannes
Brahms, Akademische Festouvertüre 

20.03.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Victoria Hall
Orchestre des Nations
Camille Berthollet, cello
Julie Berthollet, violin
Mélodie Zhao, piano
Beethoven, Triple concerto
Tchaikovsky, Symphony 5 

21.03.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Salle Frank Martin
Compagnie du Rossignol
Joan Mompart, récitant
R. Clerc, Flûte, les enfants ont disparus 

24.03.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Salle Frank Martin
Compagnie du Rossignol
Joan Mompart, récitant
R. Clerc, Flûte, les enfants ont disparus 

26.03.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Musique de Genève
Raphaël Abeille, cello
Dvorak, Slavonic dances
Dvorak, Cello concerto 

08.04.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Grande Salle du Conservatoire
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Musique de Genève
Camille Berthollet, cello
Dvorak, Slavonic dances
Dvorak, Cello concerto 

09.05.2017 | Geneva, Switzerland | Victoria Hall
European Union Day
Nadine Galea, violin
Mozart, Overture of the opera "The Magic Flute"
Massenet, Meditation from Thaïs for violin and orchestra in D major
Vaughan Williams, English Folk Song Suite
Ravel, Tzigane, Rhapsodie de concert for violin and piano
Brahms, Academic Festival Overture

14.05.2017 | Neuchâtel, Switzerland | Temple du Bas
20.05.2017 | Liestal, Switzerland | Stadtkirche

Orchestre des Nations
Lisa Rieder, violin
Mozart, The magic flute overture
Bruch, Violin concerto 1
Vaughan Williams, English folks songs suite (Gorden Jacob)
Fornerod, Le Voyage de printemps Johannes
Brahms, Akademische Festouvertüre

10.06.2017 | Seoul, South Korea | Arts Center Concert Hall
11.06.2017 | DMZ, South Korea | Green Music 4one Festival
ODN Chamber Ensemble, Music4one Ensemble, Choir for one 

01.07.2017 | Brighton, UK | Dome
Orchestre des Nations
Freddy Kempf, piano
Ben Thomson, tuba
P. Casals, Hymn to the United Nations
Mozart, The magic flute overture
Mozart, Piano concerto 21
Delius, Koanga, La Calinda
Vaughan Williams, English folks songs suite (Gorden Jacob)
Vaughan Williams, Concerto in F for tuba
Elgar, Enigma Variations op. 36, Nimrod (Variation IX)
Elgar, Pomp and Circumstance op.39
lgar, Pomp and Circumstance op.39 