
20.08.2023 | Geneva, Switzerland | Bains des Pâquis
Festival des Aubes musicales - Closing concert 
Orchestre des Nations
Caroline Baeriswyl, violin
Mariana Cossermelli, flute
Diane Pauvert, harp
Extracts from: 
W.A. Mozart, Divertimento en fa
W.A. Mozart, flute and harp concerto 
O. Respighi, ancient airs - Suite 3
A. Copland, appalachian spring
M. Ravel, introduction and Allegro
P. Honegger, pastorale d’été
B. Bartok, danses roumaines
J. Massenet, méditation de Thaïs
G. Holst, a fugal concerto
K. Jenkins,  Palladio

24.09.2023 | Pristina, Kosovo
Kosovo Philharmonic Orchestra
Aiman Mussakhajayevan, violin
A. Khatchatourian, violin concerto
J. Brahms, symphonie 4

30.09.2023 | Genève, Switzerland

05.11.2023 | Geneva, Switzerland | Victoria Hall
18.11.2023 | Fribourg, Switzerland | Aula de l'Université
Orchestre des Nations
Chœur de Chambre de l’Université de Fribourg - Pascal Mayer, direction
Manuel Oberholzer (Feldermelder), electronic
Kathrin Hottiger, soprano
Vincent Casagrande, baryton
M. Oberholzer (Feldermelder), FINITE - World premiere
J. Brahms, Ein deutsches Requiem

09.03.2024 | Genève, Switzerland, Victoria Hall
Orchestre des Nations
Kevin Spagnolo, clarinet
F. Mendelssohn, Hebrides overture
A. Copland, clarinet concerto 
F. Mendelssohn, Symphony 3 "scottish"

25.05.2024 | Pristina, Kosovo
Kosovo Philharmonic Orchestra
François Dumont, piano
L.V. Beethoven, piano concerto 5
F. Schubert, symphony 4

02.06.2024 | Genève, Switzerland, Salle Trocmé
Orchestre des Nations
Au coeur de la symphonie, Immersion
F. Mendelssohn, Hebrides overture
L.V. Beethoven, symphony 7 

06.06.2024 | Genève, Switzerland, CERN Portail de la science
CERN70 celebrations
Orchestre des Nations
W.A. Mozart, divertimento in F
D. Vicinanza, Open questions (world premiere)
G. Mahler, symphony 6, Adagietto 
